We are delighted to announce our participation in the upcoming Global Procurement and Supply Chain Management (MS MASC) hackathon at Audencia business school!

An innovative event that will engage 5 teams of students on the topic : “How to integrate SCOPE 3 objectives into the supplier selection process?” a challenge proposed by Covestro group. 

Like many companies in 2024, COVESTRO is committed to SCOPE 3 objectives in its strategic plan and must engage the procurement department in implementing this plan. Is it better to act first on the procurement department? On data? On tools? With which suppliers as a priority?

Our expert Maurice HAMOIR will lead one of the workshops, alongside other partner vendors : Silex App, Archlet, Global Climate Initiatives, Advance Procurement.

📅 Save the date from March 6 to 11 to take up the challenge!
#smartprocurement #sustainablepurchasing #csr